This book, published by the Banffshire Field Club, tells the story of Cullykhan, a windswept headland on the scenic Moray Firth coast, its ruined mediaeval castle and Fort Fiddes, the last fortification built there. The headland lies in the lands of Troup to the east of Troup head.
This new, extensively illustrated, book examines the history of the people who lived in the castle. It describes the landscape and includes new work on the place names in the immediate area. The history begins with the earliest written references to the lands of Troup dating from the 17th century.
The book focuses on the castle from the time of Robert the Bruce through to the reign of King James VI, from about 1300 to 1600, and two families who lived there, the de Trops and the Keiths.
For the first time, the full history of Fort Fiddes, and Captain Fiddes who built it, is set out in a book. Previously unpublished correspondence from local and national archives brings to light Francis Garden of Troup’s role in the project.
Alex McKay is a native of Sandend in Banffshire. While a pupil at Banff Academy he took part in excavations at Cullykhan and developed a lifelong interest in archaeology and history. After a career in teaching and educational management, he is now retired and lives in Scone.
The book is priced at £18.