About the Archive

The electronic archive

The Banffshire Field Club has an archive of printed lectures given since its foundation in 1880 until the practice ceased in 1939. These papers, or 'Transactions', record the business at each meeting along with a lecture given by an invited expert. The subjects cover all aspects of interest relating to Banffshire, covering archaeology, astronomy, biology, botany, excursions/field trips, geology, geography, nature, science and social history.
The ‘Transactions’ were printed in booklet form by the Banffshire Journal for issue to the members over the above period. These publications are slightly smaller than A5 and use an amazingly small type size of 7pt. The whole archive has now been digitised, and can be consulted freely, enlarged at will, and freely downloaded.
Please note that downloading any of the PDFs is for private/personal use only. If you wish to use the material for any other purpose you will require permission from the Banffshire Field Club, please contact the Club.
There is also a Search facility. Click here to use the Search facility. 
Strathmartine Trust

The support of The Strathmartine Trust is gratefully acknowledged.

Without their financial help, the digitisation of transactions would not have been possible.

The paper archive

 It is expected that scholars and other interested individuals will find all their needs satisfied by the electronic archive. You can consult any Transaction, enlarge it, search the whole archive, and download and print what you will. 

Old paper copies of some transactions are available, if you wish to order any please contact the treasurer. The new electronic index and search facility replaces these.
If you require any printed Transactions, please contact:
The Treasurer,
by e-mail at: bfc.1880@gmail.com who will check the postage and give you a quotation. 
Other papers and published items of local interest are held by the Field Club Secretary but are not available for sale as there is usually only one copy. They are however available on loan to Field Club members.